Saturday, September 28, 2019

Adults across America Essay Example for Free

Adults across America Essay ? Although this type of outrageous behavior may upset many people, it is accepted widely and enjoyed by millions of teenagers and adults across America. People in America have become desensitized to sex and violence by having organizations such as the WWF making it appear â€Å"O.K.† on television. Although it is immoral and not yet accepted by society, pornography is rampant in America, with strip clubs and porn shops situated in the same areas as family shopping centers. Violence can be seen everywhere, especially in the evening news. Wrestling takes the two biggest topics of American society, and turns them into a two hour show. Americans accept this and are willing to watch or pay to see the action. Although many wrestling fans such as myself view the show and see it as pure entertainment, there are many more people who believe what they see. Sadly, these type of people make up a large portion of wrestling fans. Because of this, many nations see Americans as â€Å"ignorant† and â€Å"shallow.† Critics claim that wrestling is a â€Å"Cultural Phenomenon† which embodies all of the negative aspects of American culture. People who are willing to watch a man rolling around in feces or someone falling twenty feet from a cage into a wooden table instead of doing something that could be potentially productive does not say much for American society. Opponents of professional wrestling may also say that the direction and values of American culture are quickly deteriorating, in part, due to a cultural phenomenon such as professional wrestling. As long as Americans demand instant gratification and the quick fixes of raunchy entertainment, phenomena such as wrestling will be around to act as mindless distractions from the real world. The critics of wrestling have not stopped its tremendous success across the world. Wrestling can be seen as a form of entertainment, just as movies and sports represent the same kind of enjoyment to viewers. Wrestling is not the cause of society’s deterioration, as it is meant to please viewers across America. One form of entertainment is not going to cause American society to crumble. Wrestling used to represent â€Å"good guy vs. bad guy.† Times have changed, and now, everyone cheers for wrestlers such as â€Å"The Rock† and â€Å"Stone Cold Steve Austin† who portray qualities that the fans appreciate. The Rock is extremely popular, due to his â€Å"coolness factor.† Everytime he gets on the microphone, he promises to â€Å"Lay The Smackdown on Someone’s Candyass† and things of that nature. He always praises the fan’s, and considers himself the â€Å"People’s Champion.† Because of his popularity, it doesn’t matter if he wrestles a â€Å"good guy† or a â€Å"bad guy.† Fans like someone they can cheer, but would not cheer someone who appears corny, like a â€Å"superhero† type character. Professional wrestling never has any repeats, and always keeps a fresh, new storyline. That may be the biggest reason why people keep tuning in to this phenomenon. When it comes down to watching either a rerun of â€Å"Ally McBeal† or a live â€Å"WWF Raw,† many people would choose to watch something new, such as â€Å"WWF Raw.† American society is constantly evolving, and over time, all people need to accept the changes that it goes through, whether positive or negative. Pioch, Nicolas. â€Å"Realism.† January 1, 1996.  (December 16, 1999)  Roberts, J.M. The Penguin History of the World. London, England : Helicon Publishing, 1992.  Ross, Cilla. June, 1999. â€Å"Greek Democracy in Practice.†   (December 18, 1999) Adults across America. (2017, Aug 21).

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